One of the most cumbersome ways to cancel a Planet Fitness membership is going to your local gym. Planet Fitness is a popular gym chain that offers premium memberships to its users. With its wide range of equipment and services, it's no wonder that many people opt to join the gym.
However, there may come a time when you need to cancel your membership for various reasons. Whether you are moving out of the area, switching to another gym, or just want to take a break from fitness, this guide will help you manage your Planet Fitness account and cancel your membership with ease.
Unfortunately, Planet Fitness makes it difficult for members where you won’t be able to cancel via email or phone. Not to worry! We show you the way you can do it via Planet Fitness’ cancellation process (the cumbersome way) or with ScribeUp (the easy, two-minute alternative).
NOTE: In December 2023, there was a newly discovered loop-hole. We added this at the end of the article.
FAQs about Canceling Your Planet Fitness Membership
When you cancel Planet Fitness, do you immediately lose access?
No. You will still have access to the gym until the end of that billing cycle.
Is there a fee if you cancel Planet Fitness?
It depends. If your membership has a minimum term and is canceled prior to end of contract term, a $58 buyout fee is required.
How much notice do you have to give for Planet Fitness without getting charged?
7 days before your next billing cycle. To stop getting charged of your monthly membership on the 17th, the club must receive written notice delivered by the 10th in person or through mail, as it may take up to 7 business days for billing changes to take effect.
To stop the billing of the annual fee, cancellation must be completed by the 25th of the month prior to the annual fee date.
Did Planet Fitness subscription go up in price since 2023?
While Planet Fitness has not raised their membership prices in 30 years (yes, it's still $10). Interim CEO Craig Benson mentioned that they are exploring the option to raise prices in the near feature as inflation is starts to normalize high sticker prices.
All the Planet Fitness Cancellation Process
Although the monthly fee is fairly cheap at about $10/month, Planet Fitness club makes it nearly impossible to cancel your membership. There are two ways you can cancel planet fitness membership: filling out a cancellation form at the front desk or writing a planet fitness cancellation letter to HQ. Both options take at least 30 minutes to do. Ouch.
Fill out cancellation form at the front desk (30 - 90 min)
- Go to your home club (make sure it’s your home club and not a visiting gym. We have been turned away if it’s not the gym you signed up at)
- Ask the front desk for the cancellation form
- Fill it out on the spot (just a signature)
- Submit planet fitness cancellation form
You will have access to the gym for the rest of the billing cycle, but the cancellation will be effective immediately.
Write a letter to HQ (5 business days)
- Write a letter with your signature to the HQ (include the date at which you want to cancel to ensure you won’t be charged for the next billing cycle)
- Here is a letter template that worked for us:
Dear Planet Fitness Customer Service,
Please consider this letter as formal notice of my decision to cancel my membership at Planet Fitness. I request that you process the cancellation as soon as possible and confirm in writing. Could you also let me know if there are any fees or charges I need to be aware of before the cancellation is complete?
Thank you,
[Your Name and Signature]
- Here is a letter template that worked for us:
- Send letter in certified mail to your home club’s address found here:
- Wait until you get confirmation — we suggest calling your local club after 5 business days
You will have access to the gym for the rest of the billing cycle, but the cancellation will be effective immediately.
Cancel Subscriptions with (takes 2 minutes)
By canceling unwanted subscriptions in literally one-click, you'll be able to enjoy the subscriptions that truly matter to you — and with ScribeUp, it won’t waste your time!

This all-in-one subscription wallet simplifies the process of canceling recurring payments and identifying unwanted subscriptions. By connecting your subscriptions, you can easily cancel (or restart) a service with just one click, saving you money and time:
- Go to your
- 1-Click Cancel
That’s it! So simple and completely FREE! Download ScribeUp to experience subscription power with ScribeUp!
Note: Planet Fitness requires a bank account on file, which complicates the 1-click cancellation feature on the ScribeUp Card.
[NEW] Loophole: Cancel Planet Fitness Online in California
The state of California has a rule that requires you to be able to cancel any membership Online. Thus, there is a loop hole that allows users to cancel their Planet Fitness membership online.
Go to the Planet Fitness website (Note: this will not work on the app).
- Go to your online account where you can update your address
- Select a random address in California using Google Maps or any map application
- Change your home club from your current address/state to a home club in California
- If this didn't work, try using a free VPN app to confirm you're in the state of California
- In a few minutes you will get an email confirmation about the change of your home club
- Back on the site, go to My Account
- Click Membership
- Click on Manage your card
- Once you're there, you will see the cancel button. Click Cancel
- Get email confirmation